reading time: 2 min.

TDP Secretary General Halil Hızal also resigned

TDP Secretary General Halil Hızal also resigned

Following the Chairman of the TDP, Cemal Özyiğit, Secretary General Halil Hızal also resigned from his position. Hızal also announced that she has ended her political life.

Publish Date: 02/02/22 15:06
reading time: 2 min.
TDP Secretary General Halil Hızal also resigned
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Following Cemal Özyiğit, Chairman of the Communal Democracy Party (TDP), Secretary General Halil Hızal announced his resignation from his post.

It was learned that the resignations of both names were approved at the TDP Party Assembly meeting held last night.

Halil Hızal, who made a statement on his personal social media account, announced that he also ended his political life.

“I dreamed of a more livable country. It did not happen. I couldn't succeed," said Hızal, and from now on to do what he knows best; He stated that he would continue to practice medicine.

According to the information obtained by the Kıbrıs Postası, the resignations of both the Chairman and the Secretary General were approved at the TDP Party Assembly, which convened last night.

The Party Assembly, which will convene again on Friday evening, will determine a new general secretary in accordance with the bylaws and the congress process will begin.

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Levent Kutay
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