Mine Atlı is a candidate for the Presidency of the TDP!

Mine Atlı, who was elected as the general secretary to take the TDP to the congress, announced that she was a candidate for the chairmanship in the extraordinary congress to be held on March 13.

After Cemal Özyiğit, who resigned from the chairmanship of the Communal Democracy Party (TDP), and Halil Hızal, who resigned from the general secretariat, hectic hours continue to be experienced. Mine Atlı, who was elected as the general secretary to lead the party to the extraordinary general assembly to be held on March 13, announced that she was running for the presidency.
Noting that the country lives close to the hunger limit in a dark environment, Atlı noted that they will not allow the country to turn into a paradise for mafia and human traffickers.
Speaking to the Kıbrıs Postası, Mine Atlı said, “The struggle needs to get stronger. I am a candidate for the presidency of the TDP in order to shoulder the struggle.” He also said that he hoped that he would not be the only person who wanted to be a candidate with this perspective.
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