Rejection of Turanlı's 'pier' by Kyrenia City Council

The fact that Emrullah Turanlı, the big partner of Ercan Airport operator T&T, would build a pier in front of his house was met with anger. The construction of the pier in question was rejected by the Kyrenia City Council, which convened last night, on the grounds that it was against the Girne Zoning Plan, and it was sent back to the Council of Ministers with a request for cancellation.

The fact that Emrullah Turanlı, the big partner of Ercan Airport operator T&T, which was taken to the Council of Ministers and approved by the Minister of Public Works and Transport, to which the Ports Department is affiliated, Erhan Arıklı, will build a pier in front of his house, drew a great reaction.
Due to the bad image he created at Ercan Airport, the public said, "Turanlı, who cannot finish the new Ercan Airport, will he build a public pier?" While expressing his reaction, Girne City Council convened on the subject last night.
It was rejected by the Kyrenia City Council on the grounds that it was against the Kyrenia Zoning Plan and was sent back to the Council of Ministers with a request for cancellation.
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