New scandal in Ercan: Emrullah Turanlı's generators are only strong enough to run the screens!

Another scandal occurred when the electricity had to be cut off due to the electrical failure that was learned yesterday in Ercan, under the management of Emrullah Turanlı, which would be "sealed and closed" immediately if any international inspector stopped by...

There is a new scandal at Ercan airport every week.
In addition to the "shabby" and "crawling" nature of aviation safety, the problems do not end in Ercan, which is operated like a grocery store.
The problems at Ercan are not only caused by technical difficulties due to the runway, internal management and lack of supervision.
It turned out that if any international inspector came by, he would immediately "seal and close" Ercan.
A new scandal emerged yesterday when the electricity had to be cut off due to the electricity failure in Ercan.
According to the information obtained by the Cyprus Post, it was understood that the generators were not working in Ercan yesterday when the electricity had to be cut to fix the electricity failure.
It was revealed that the only generator operating at Ercan Airport yesterday, under the management of Ercan Airport operator T&T, the big partner of T&T, Emrullah Turanlı, was at a level to operate only the screens in the tower.
On the other hand, it is among the critical information that the systems can crash at any time due to not being “updated”…
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