El-Sen Secretary General Ahmet Tuğcu: “The passing of the law by the committee is treason”

Ahmet Tuğcu, Secretary General of El-Sen, who took the decision of an indefinite strike about the controversial law change brought to the public agenda by the Cyprus Post for the first time two weeks ago, said, "Will the people remain in the dark in this situation?" answered the question…

The government is amending the public procurement law.
With the change in the relevant article, both "necessity" and "restricted supply" will be defined by the administration.
It is stated that the aim of the change is primarily the extension of the AKSA contract and then the maintenance need at KIB-TEK.
EL-Sen decided to strike indefinitely…
The question everyone is wondering is are we going to be left in the dark again?
El-Sen Secretary General Ahmet Tuğcu, who took the decision of an indefinite strike about the controversial law change brought to the public agenda by the Cyprus Post for the first time two weeks ago, said, "Will the people remain in the dark in this situation?" answered the question…
Electricity Authority Employees Union (El-Sen) Secretary General Ahmet Tuğcu stated that the aim of the strike was not about the rights or interests of the employees of the institution, but to prevent the "AKSA offer" and said, "We certainly do not intend to leave the public in the dark. We will not secure the area and repair the malfunctions that will occur," he said.
Stating that they will take the matter to the Constitutional Court if necessary, Tuğcu spoke to Muazzez Gazihan on Genç TV;
“We said in the parliamentary subcommittee that this strike was related to the amendment in question; We announced that we would implement the strike. We repeated this in front of the parliament today. We are doing this because this country's society is mortgaged for 20 years cheaper and higher quality energy... Our strikes will continue until this bill is withdrawn... We made our preparations for an indefinite strike. Passing the law through the committee is treason.”
“Are we going to stay in the dark?” On the question, Tuğcu said, “The aim of this strike is not for the benefit and interest of the employees of the institution, but to prevent the sale of AKSA in an environment where quality energy productions of the society are available ... AKSA is a tick on the society ... We certainly do not intend to leave the public in the dark. We will not secure the region and repair the malfunctions that may occur… we will do our best to ensure that the people do not suffer.” used the phrases.
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