Ercan Airport in Chaos: Power Outage and Distressed Passengers

Chaos reigns at the newly "inaugurated" Ercan Airport, which cost 450 million euros; there is a power outage, and luggage is being handed from one person to another.

Following the visit of the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, on July 20th, chaos has erupted at the supposedly "opened" new Ercan Airport.
The Ercan Airport, which cost 450 million euros and had its passenger capacity increased to 10 million, has been without electricity for hours.
Passengers are waiting for their luggage under the scorching heat, in the shadow of a bridge.
The power outage has resulted in a significant congestion, causing discomfort for the citizens who are already struggling due to the non-functioning air conditioners.
Photos received by Kıbrıs Postası depict people waiting for hours for their luggage due to the power outage, seeking refuge in the shade under a bridge amidst oppressive weather conditions and crowds.
Suç teşkil edecek, yasadışı, tehditkar, rahatsız edici, hakaret ve küfür içeren, aşağılayıcı, küçük düşürücü, kaba, müstehcen, ahlaka aykırı, kişilik haklarına zarar verici ya da benzeri niteliklerde içeriklerden doğan her türlü mali, hukuki, cezai, idari sorumluluk içeriği gönderen Üye/Üyeler’e aittir.