reading time: 2 min.

Peaceful weekend in Pile-Yiğitler Road construction work

Peaceful weekend in Pile-Yiğitler Road construction work

The repair and expansion work on the road extending from Yiğitler village to the Pile village located on the UN-controlled Green Line started with low traffic in the morning and concluded around noon due to it being the weekend.

Publish Date: 20/08/23 16:27
reading time: 2 min.
Peaceful weekend in Pile-Yiğitler Road construction work
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According to Anadolu Agency's report, workers involved in the Pile-Yiğitler Road Project completed their low-intensity basic work in the morning hours and wrapped up around noon.

UN peacekeeping personnel present in the area to monitor the works continue to wait in the zone designated on the Green Line by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).
During the construction work, which is secured by the TRNC police, no entry is allowed for UN personnel and vehicles into the work area located on TRNC territory.

Authorities have announced that the road repair and expansion works will continue at full capacity throughout the day starting from Monday morning. The TRNC had initiated the Pile-Yiğitler Road Project to facilitate easier access from the TRNC to the Pile village located on the UN-controlled Green Line for humanitarian reasons.

Tension arose on Friday between the TRNC security forces and the UN Peacekeeping Force, who were attempting to obstruct the road construction works. The TRNC police pushed back the UN Peacekeeping Force soldiers who were trying to intervene in the section of the project within the TRNC borders.

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