reading time: 4 min.

Agreement reached on road construction in Pile, according to greek Cypriot press

Agreement reached on road construction in Pile, according to greek Cypriot press

Greek Cypriot newspaper "Politis" reported that an agreement has been reached regarding the improvement/expansion of the existing Yiğitler-Pile road in Cyprus. It was mentioned that the agreement is in the process of being finalized, and the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative in Cyprus and the Chief of the Peacekeeping Mission, Colin Stewart, continues to engage with the parties to document the agreed-upon terms related to the region's development and road construction.

Publish Date: 01/09/23 14:00
reading time: 4 min.
Agreement reached on road construction in Pile, according to greek Cypriot press
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The newspaper, under the headline "Agreement Reached on Road Construction in Pile... According to Politis' Information, Colin Stewart's Initiative Yielded Results," stated that in the coming days, local authorities will also be involved in the discussions, and maps will be used to determine the regions. Official announcements will be made after the completion of the agreement regarding development areas.

Based on the information obtained, it was reported that an agreement was reached for the construction of the road from Yiğitler to Pile, the zoning for residential construction in the area from Pile Plateau to Beyarmudu, and that the security and control of the region would be entirely the responsibility of the Peacekeeping Force, without any shadows being cast on the concept of a buffer zone.

The newspaper emphasized that the agreement between the two sides is very concrete and clear, stating that "the settlement areas and agricultural-livestock areas will be determined, and the agreement will explicitly state that the security and control of the region will be entirely under the responsibility of the Peacekeeping Force."

The report underlined the importance of this agreement for the Greek Cypriot Administration, mentioning that from the beginning of Stewart's contacts, the Greek Cypriot side insisted that the current situation in Pile should not be affected or violated in any way in order to agree to the construction of the Yiğitler-Pile road for humanitarian reasons.

The newspaper suggested that the agreement between the two sides is very close to being approved and cited an "authoritative source" as saying that "the contacts are continuing as usual, but it is not expected that an official announcement will be made until the agreement is finalized and the agreed-upon terms regarding the region's development and road construction are put in writing."

In discussing the next stages of the negotiations, the newspaper stated that in the coming days, maps will be put on the table to start the agreement procedure for determining the regions, and it is likely that local authorities will also get involved in this process.

The report also highlighted the importance of not casting any shadows on the buffer zone status, as it is one of the demands of the Greek Cypriot side to open the road to Yiğitler-Pile for humanitarian reasons. The agreement regarding the completion of the road construction from Arsos (Yiğitler) to Pile refers to UN Security Council Resolution 550, which implies that after the agreed-upon terms are implemented, the region will be handed over to its legal residents and operated under the control of the Peacekeeping Force. Consequently, in the Arsos (Yiğitler)-Pile-Pergama (Beyarmudu) triangle, this development zone is being established, with security and law enforcement services under the responsibility of the

Peacekeeping Force, with the goal of developing the region in the interest of both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.

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