reading time: 5 min.

South Cyprus Expresses Satisfaction Over Agreement on Pile

South Cyprus Expresses Satisfaction Over Agreement on Pile

The government of South Cyprus has expressed its satisfaction with the agreement reached regarding the issue of roads in Pile.

Publish Date: 10/10/23 15:29
reading time: 5 min.
South Cyprus Expresses Satisfaction Over Agreement on Pile
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The Fileleftheros newspaper highlighted this development, emphasizing that the Government Spokesperson of South Cyprus, Konstantinos Letimbiotis, confirmed the agreement reached with the UN Peacekeeping Force regarding Pile and the northern region of Pile, based on a written statement made yesterday.

In his statement, Letimbiotis expressed that the South Cyprus government has been in continuous contact with the Greek Cypriots living in Pile throughout this process, thanking them for their constructive contributions to the discussions.

Letimbiotis also touched upon the main points of the agreement, stating that they address the concerns of the Greek Cypriot side regarding the status of the buffer zone.

Furthermore, Letimbiotis mentioned that Foreign Minister Hristodulidis remains committed to restarting negotiations based on EU principles, values, and UN Security Council decisions to find a solution to the Cyprus issue.

The report also highlighted that UN Secretary-General's Special Representative for Cyprus Colin Stewart, as well as the United States, France, and the United Kingdom, expressed their satisfaction with the agreement.

Additionally, the Fileleftheros newspaper reported that South Cyprus' diplomatic efforts have hindered Turkish activities and resulted in a significant Confidence-Building Measure (CBM) achievement. The agreement signed by stakeholders in the Pile region was described as a mutually beneficial agreement, allowing the construction of the road by the Turkish Cypriot side while ensuring the immunity of the buffer zone's status.

The newspaper also claimed that the Turkish side had been attempting to disrupt the status quo in the region with a series of activities over the years. It asserted that the information held by the South Cyprus government revealed that the Turkish side initially aimed to gain control over the buffer zone in northern Pile.

According to the newspaper, these pieces of information played a decisive role in the final outcome and agreement. It also emphasized that the agreement signed by the involved parties was a diplomatic success against the backdrop of escalating tensions in diplomacy.

In parallel, the report noted that everyone now possesses a Confidence-Building Measure on which further developments can be built. Securing the buffer zone and clearly defining the boundaries of the ceasefire line were seen as significant military achievements. Consequently, it was claimed that the Turkish Armed Forces were prevented from gaining a military advantage.

The report listed the objectives achieved through the agreement, which can be summarized as follows:

  1. The buffer zone has been secured, and the boundaries of the ceasefire line have been clearly defined. The UN Peacekeeping Force maintains its presence and control throughout the entire buffer zone, preventing any violation of the status quo. The agreement rules out the possibility of military or police presence by the occupying authorities in the buffer zone.

  2. The establishment of a crossing point and the full implementation of the Green Line Regulation prevent unauthorized access to the Pile region. It ensures that the road, including the Çayhan Plain, will not be used for settlement purposes or for the free access of elements related to crime or irregular immigrants.

  3. Ensuring that the road is used solely for civilian purposes and creating an urban and residential development zone in the Çayhan Plain prevent the Turkish Armed Forces from obtaining a military advantage.

  4. The establishment of a single (unified) urban development zone in Pile allows for the harmonious coexistence of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots in the region.

  5. The agreement is considered a significant development by the Greek Cypriot side because it cancels plans that could not be imposed through violence due to diplomacy.

According to "diplomatic sources" cited by the newspaper, the agreement has allowed for the interests of the local population to be served, international factors to be positively activated, and a spiritual advantage to be gained. It also provides the opportunity to turn the crisis into an opportunity.

As part of the implementation of the agreement, South Cyprus will commence work in the region on October 23, creating approximately 400 plots of land, according to the newspaper. The same sources suggest that the EU will also become involved in the initiative, providing financing for the project.

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