Cuellar's Appointment as UN Secretary-General's Personal Representative for Cyprus Expected in January

The official announcement of the appointment of Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar as the Personal Representative for Cyprus by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is anticipated to take place in January or at the end of the month, according to reports in the Cyprus Greek press.

The newspaper Haravgi, citing information it has obtained, reported that the official announcement of the appointment is expected to be made in January. The same newspaper highlighted that the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) is projected to be extended by the UN Security Council at the end of January.
The report also mentioned that Colin Stewart, the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative in Cyprus, is set to brief the Security Council and the countries contributing strategically and militarily to UNFICYP in New York in the second week of January. After the formal announcement of Cuellar's appointment, Stewart is expected to request a meeting with her.
The newspaper pointed out that the mandate of UNFICYP has been extended annually, starting in 2023. The government spokesman, Konstantinos Letimbiotis, made two different statements on the timing of Cuellar's appointment, indicating uncertainty in the government about the exact timing of the announcement.
In his initial statement, Letimbiotis responded to a question about when Cuellar would be appointed by saying that the previous statements made were still valid and that the appointment would be soon. However, in a second statement to the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (RIK), he claimed that there was a possibility of the announcement even on the same day.
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