reading time: 3 min.

Verdict in Halil Falyalı Murder Case: Mustafa Söylemez Sentenced to Life Imprisonment Twice

Verdict in Halil Falyalı Murder Case: Mustafa Söylemez Sentenced to Life Imprisonment Twice

In the case involving the murder of Turkish Cypriot businessman Halil Falyalı and his driver Murat Demirtaş, a verdict has been reached for the 7 defendants. The court in İstanbul sentenced Mustafa Söylemez to life imprisonment twice. Mehmet Faysal Söylemez was acquitted of all charges, and he was ordered to be released.

Publish Date: 19/01/24 14:39
reading time: 3 min.
Verdict in Halil Falyalı Murder Case: Mustafa Söylemez Sentenced to Life Imprisonment Twice
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The trial involved 7 defendants, including the brothers Mehmet Faysal Söylemez and Mustafa Söylemez, in the murder of Halil Falyalı and Murat Demirtaş as a result of an armed attack in Çatalköy, North Cyprus.

The court sentenced Mustafa Söylemez to life imprisonment twice.

Mehmet Faysal Söylemez was acquitted of all charges, and he was ordered to be released.

What Happened?

On February 8, 2022, around 18:45 on 20 July Street in Çatalköy, Halil Falyalı and his driver Murat Demirtaş were attacked with long-barreled firearms. Murat Demirtaş died at the scene, while Halil Falyalı passed away at Near East University Hospital where he was taken. Following the murder, in three separate operations carried out by the Istanbul Police Department Organized Crime Branch teams between February 9 and 17, a total of 8 people were detained, who were claimed to be directly or indirectly connected to the murder. Among the suspects referred to the court, Mustafa Söylemez, Faysal Söylemez, Abdurrahim Çelik, Ender Yıldız, and Cengiz Şener were arrested, while Metin Süs and two other suspects were released under judicial control.

In the indictment prepared by the prosecution, Mehmet Faysal Söylemez and Mustafa Söylemez were charged with "premeditated murder" and "establishing and managing an organization with the aim of committing a crime," facing two aggravated life sentences and up to 12 years in prison. The other 4 suspects face charges of "assisting premeditated murder" and "being a member of an organization established to commit a crime," with sentences ranging from 32 years 6 months to 46 years. The indictment stated that the murder of Halil Falyalı was planned in September but was carried out 6 months later because Falyalı was in prison. It also emphasized that the murder was committed in an extremely planned and professional manner.

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