Zorlu Töre: Evkaf Properties Cannot Be Transferred Under Any Circumstances

Speaker of the Assembly, Zorlu Töre, drew attention to the numerous Evkaf lands remaining in the South, stating, "Evkaf properties cannot be transferred under any circumstances."

Speaker of the Republic Assembly, Zorlu Töre, visited the Cyprus Turkish Evkaf Administration.
Töre was greeted by the General Director, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tümer, who provided him with information about the ongoing projects.
During his speech, President Töre thanked the former director, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Benter, for his successful work and wished Tümer success in his new role.
Töre expressed his confidence that Tümer would uphold the spirit of Evkaf in the best possible way and elevate the responsibilities he has assumed to greater heights.
Reminding of recent inspections conducted in Maraş with delegations from Turkey in the past weeks, Töre emphasized the historical fact that Maraş was built on Evkaf lands. Pointing out the existence of many Evkaf lands in the South, Töre underscored that Evkaf properties could not be transferred under any circumstances.
Highlighting the significance of the Cyprus Turkish people taking over the Evkaf from the British administration as a crucial turning point, Töre paid tribute with respect and mercy to Dr. Fazıl Küçük and those who donated their properties to the Evkaf during that period.
In his speech, the General Director of the Cyprus Turkish Evkaf Administration, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tümer, emphasized that the inability to sell or transfer Evkaf properties and the continuity of Turkishness in Cyprus were among the most significant factors, stating that Evkaf dated back to the 1570s.
Tümer noted that the primary reason for establishing Evkaf was to distribute income and welfare in society and to support the poor and needy, which has been the most important factor in ensuring social justice throughout history.
Suç teşkil edecek, yasadışı, tehditkar, rahatsız edici, hakaret ve küfür içeren, aşağılayıcı, küçük düşürücü, kaba, müstehcen, ahlaka aykırı, kişilik haklarına zarar verici ya da benzeri niteliklerde içeriklerden doğan her türlü mali, hukuki, cezai, idari sorumluluk içeriği gönderen Üye/Üyeler’e aittir.