reading time: 3 min.

YÖDAK: KSTÜ Higher Education Diploma Approval Process Clarified

YÖDAK: KSTÜ Higher Education Diploma Approval Process Clarified

The Higher Education Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation, and Coordination Council (YÖDAK) stated that it does not have the authority to approve diplomas, clarifying that the approval authority for diplomas issued by higher education institutions in the KSTÜ lies with the Ministry of National Education, but the emerging circumstances necessitate YÖDAK to assume this responsibility.

Publish Date: 12/02/24 17:40
Update Date: 12/02/24 22:14
reading time: 3 min.
YÖDAK: KSTÜ Higher Education Diploma Approval Process Clarified
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YÖDAK, under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Turgay Avcı, held an extraordinary meeting regarding the police investigation, arrests, and allegations conducted at the Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University (KSTÜ).

In a written statement issued by YÖDAK, it was mentioned that urgent measures to be taken and recommendations prepared by the members regarding the investigation were discussed, and decisions were shared with the public.

The statement noted that it was decided to request all universities to regularly submit lists of graduating students to YÖDAK every September and February, and if the necessary infrastructure and qualified personnel support (having worked in academic institutions) required by Law No. 65/2005 on Higher Education are provided, it should be communicated to the relevant authorities that diplomas of graduates from KSTÜ universities also need to be approved by YÖDAK.

Additionally, it was stated in the statement that access to graduate data in the Higher Education Scholarship and Information System (YÖBİS) is available only at the Ministry of National Education, and the relevant institutions and the public were informed about this, and the decisions taken were sent for information to the Presidency, Prime Ministry, and Ministry of National Education.

The public was urged not to trust baseless unofficial information, and it was emphasized that YÖDAK would do what is necessary within the framework of higher education legislation to address the unacceptable irregularities in KSTÜ higher education.

The statement concluded by emphasizing the importance of showing sensitivity to ensure that properly functioning universities, which are the heart of the TRNC, are not harmed during this process aimed at rectifying unacceptable irregularities in KSTÜ higher education.

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