reading time: 3 min.

Prof. Dr. Avcı: I Personally Handed My Diploma to the Police

Prof. Dr. Avcı: I Personally Handed My Diploma to the Police

YÖDAK Chairman Prof. Dr. Turgay Avcı has responded to allegations that his diploma is fake, stating, "I personally handed my diploma to the police for investigation. Would someone without a diploma or degree file seven lawsuits? This should be considered first."

Publish Date: 19/02/24 13:49
reading time: 3 min.
Prof. Dr. Avcı: I Personally Handed My Diploma to the Police
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Prof. Dr. Turgay Avcı, Chairman of the Higher Education Planning, Inspection, Accreditation, and Coordination Board (YÖDAK), was a guest on the "Morning Post" program on Kıbrıs Postası TV, hosted by Gökhan Altıner.

Prof. Dr. Avcı addressed allegations regarding his own diploma and other related claims.

He emphasized that the Beirut American University, where he graduated, is one of the world's leading universities, stating, "I am not a conflictual but a resilient person. I did not give up during those times and graduated despite the bombs."

Prof. Dr. Avcı mentioned his 30-year tenure as an academician at Eastern Mediterranean University (DAÜ) and his service at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stating, "How could the diploma of someone who has engaged in politics with the Republic of Turkey for years be fake?"

Questioning whether someone without a diploma would file lawsuits, Avcı noted that he has filed seven lawsuits on the matter. He said, "Would someone without a diploma or degree file seven lawsuits? This should be considered first."

Prof. Dr. Avcı emphasized that the court would eventually make the correct decision, stating, "I am accountable to the President. The President stood behind the appointed chairman because he knows the truth."

Regarding his diploma, Prof. Dr. Avcı stated that he personally handed it to the police, continuing his statement as follows:

"If I were not a graduate, I would not have done this. I am not someone you can manipulate and tarnish easily. I have a severely ill spouse and two lawyer children. The allegations made are unethical. This has become a matter of honor now. I have also sent a letter authorizing our police force and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey to examine my diploma. What hurts me the most in this process is the distress my family is going through."

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