reading time: 1 min.

Tatar Testifies in Defamation Lawsuit Filed by Former KTÖS Secretary General

Tatar Testifies in Defamation Lawsuit Filed by Former KTÖS Secretary General

President Ersin Tatar testified at the Nicosia District Court regarding a defamation lawsuit filed by Şener Elcil, the former Secretary General of the Cyprus Turkish Teachers' Union (KTÖS). Elcil is seeking at least 2 million Turkish Lira in compensation in the lawsuit.

Publish Date: 20/03/24 11:56
reading time: 1 min.
Tatar Testifies in Defamation Lawsuit Filed by Former KTÖS Secretary General
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President Ersin Tatar testified at the Nicosia District Court regarding a defamation lawsuit filed by Şener Elcil, the former Secretary General of the Cyprus Turkish Teachers' Union (KTÖS), on February 24, 2021. Elcil is seeking at least 2 million Turkish Lira in compensation in the lawsuit.

During the court proceedings, President Tatar responded to questions from Elcil's lawyer, Öncel Polili.

The defamation lawsuit, which commenced in February 2021, is expected to conclude by the end of April. Elcil's claim for compensation amounts to a minimum of 2 million Turkish Lira.

Levent ÖZADAM'dan
Levent Kutay
Levent KUTAY'dan

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