reading time: 2 min.

Ünal Üstel: My Duty is to Solve Problems, Not to Play Politics

Ünal Üstel: My Duty is to Solve Problems, Not to Play Politics

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel made significant statements regarding the developments in the higher education sector, emphasizing, "My duty is to solve problems, not to play politics."

Publish Date: 20/03/24 13:38
reading time: 2 min.
Ünal Üstel: My Duty is to Solve Problems, Not to Play Politics
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Although it may seem focused on a university, Üstel stated that our higher education world is negatively affected by the developments related to obtaining illegitimate diplomas.

While testifying in the defamation lawsuit filed by former KTÖS Secretary General Şener Elcil, President Ersin Tatar emphasized that he does not prefer blaming anyone with government responsibility.

As the Prime Minister, Üstel highlighted that his duty is to find solutions to problems, stating, "I am the Prime Minister of the TRNC, and my duty is to solve problems, not to engage in politics over problems."

Üstel stressed the importance of supervision in the rapidly growing university world, emphasizing the need for it to ensure the healthy continuation of the sector.

He also underlined the necessity of addressing the deficiencies in the system and taking swift steps to remedy them.

Üstel reiterated his confidence in the police force and the judicial system, stating that necessary actions will be taken within the legal process against any wrongdoers.

He concluded his statement by expressing optimism and trust in the constitutional order and justice infrastructure of the country.

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