reading time: 1 min.

President Tatar's Guard's Relatives Arrested in Fake Diploma Investigation

President Tatar's Guard's Relatives Arrested in  Fake Diploma Investigation

In the ongoing investigation into fake diplomas and corruption at the Cyprus Community Health Sciences University (KSTU), the close relatives of President Tatar's guard, Şerif Avcil, namely Melek Avcil and Şahin Avcil, have been arrested and brought before the Güzelyurt District Court.

Publish Date: 21/03/24 11:46
reading time: 1 min.
President Tatar's Guard's Relatives Arrested in  Fake Diploma Investigation
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During the court proceedings, the police presented evidence indicating that during a search conducted at Şerif Avcil's residence, an enrollment certificate belonging to Melek Avcil from the Cyprus Community Health Sciences University was found, while Şahin Avcil was shown to possess documentation indicating graduation from a 4-year undergraduate program.

The presiding judge at the court granted one-day detention for Melek and Şahin Avcil as part of the ongoing investigation."

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