As part of the investigation into the fake diploma case conducted at the Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University (KSTU), Captain Ali Toprak, was brought back to court on charges of "instigating the preparation of forged official documents" and "circulating them."
The court ruled that Toprak be released on bail under the condition of providing a cash deposit of 60,000 TL, personal surety of 1 million TL, and two persons each signing a bail bond of 1 million TL. Additionally, Toprak is required to report to the nearest police station once a week, adhere to a travel ban, and remain free pending trial.
Suç teşkil edecek, yasadışı, tehditkar, rahatsız edici, hakaret ve küfür içeren, aşağılayıcı, küçük düşürücü, kaba, müstehcen, ahlaka aykırı, kişilik haklarına zarar verici ya da benzeri niteliklerde içeriklerden doğan her türlü mali, hukuki, cezai, idari sorumluluk içeriği gönderen Üye/Üyeler’e aittir.