YÖK Inspection Team Visits TRNC

The Higher Education Board of Turkey (YÖK) Inspection Team, led by Chairman Prof. Dr. Hamit Emrah Beriş, has arrived in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) to discuss inspection processes and collaboration opportunities in higher education.

According to information from YÖDAK (Higher Education Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation, and Coordination Council of North Cyprus), the team includes YÖK Inspection Board Chairman Prof. Dr. Hamit Emrah Beriş, YÖK Inspection Board Members Prof. Dr. Mevlut Özçelik, Prof. Dr. Tarık Yarılgaç, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Duman, and Güray Irmak.
From the YÖK Inspection Board, Prof. Dr. Hamit Emrah Beriş and YÖK Inspection Board Member Güray Irmak met with the President and members of YÖDAK, including Vice President Prof. Dr. Hasan Amca, Prof. Dr. Hülya Harutoğlu, Prof. Dr. Ali Ünyayar, Prof. Dr. Zafer Ağdelen, Prof. Dr. Remziye Terkan, and Prof. Dr. Akın Cellatoğlu.
During the meeting, discussions were held regarding the inspection processes in higher education and opportunities for collaboration.
The YÖK President and members highlighted that, in line with the bilateral protocol, they evaluate the educational processes and operations of universities accredited by YÖK and the programs approved by YÖK, where students receive education in TRNC under YÖK-approved programs.
It was also mentioned that since 2017, the YÖK Inspection Team has been evaluating YÖK-approved universities and programs annually, and they will meet again with the President and members of YÖDAK for further collaboration.
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