reading time: 1 min.

Tension Remains High in Parliament: Argument Breaks Out Among MPs

Tension Remains High in Parliament: Argument Breaks Out Among MPs

A dispute erupted among members of parliament during the General Assembly session while discussing the Cyprus issue. The tension escalated when CTP Member of Parliament Ceyhun Birinci intervened in the argument between UBP Member of Parliament Ahmet Savaşan and CTP Member of Parliament Ongun Talat, using the expression "You've messed up the country"

Publish Date: 22/04/24 16:24
reading time: 1 min.
Tension Remains High in Parliament: Argument Breaks Out Among MPs
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Members of parliament engaged in verbal exchanges from their seats while Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu was speaking at the rostrum.

The situation intensified when Ceyhun Birinci uttered the phrase "You've messed up the country," prompting UBP Member of Parliament Ahmet Savaşan to rise from his seat and approach the opposition benches, escalating the argument further.

After a period of continued argument, Ceyhun Birinci's statement was removed from the record, and the General Assembly resumed its session.

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