reading time: 2 min.

Second Hearing of Grand İsias Hotel Case Scheduled for Tomorrow

Second Hearing of Grand İsias Hotel Case Scheduled for Tomorrow

The second hearing of the case concerning the Grand İsias Hotel, where the Champion Angels lost their lives, is set to take place tomorrow at the Adıyaman 3rd Heavy Penal Court. Today, a group comprising approximately a hundred individuals, including families and politicians, will travel to Adıyaman. They will depart from Ercan Airport, transit through Istanbul, and arrive in Adıyaman by noon.

Publish Date: 25/04/24 13:22
reading time: 2 min.
Second Hearing of Grand İsias Hotel Case Scheduled for Tomorrow
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Among those attending the hearing are Prime Minister Ünal Üstel and his team, DPÖ Undersecretary Durali Güçlüsoy, Private Secretary İlgen Bağcıer, Prime Ministry Political Communication Advisor Özdemir Tokel, main opposition Republican Turkish Party (CTP) leader Tufan Erhürman, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth, and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu, Interior Minister Dursun Oğuz, National Education Minister Nazım Çavuşoğlu, Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu, Chairman of the Temporary and Special Committee of the Republic Assembly for Monitoring Legal and Judicial Processes Related to the Earthquake, Republic Assembly Vice President Fazilet Özdenefe, UBP MP Resmiye Canaltay, CTP MPs Teberrüken Uluçay, Salahi Şahiner, Şifa Çolakoğlu, Ongun Talat, DP MP Serhat Akpınar, Independent MP Ayşegül Baybars, People's Party (HP) leader Kudret Özersay, and Secretary-General Ahmet Tokatlığlu, along with a large delegation of families and the Bar Association President Hasan Esendağlı, and the legal team in Cyprus.

Ruşen Yücesoylu Karakaya, President of the Champion Angels Preservation Association, stated that they would be going to Adıyaman today to fulfill their promise to the Champion Angels, emphasizing that the support of the Turkish Cypriot people strengthens them.

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