reading time: 2 min.

Mustafa Naimoğulları: You Destroyed Citrus, but You Can't Destroy Livestock Farming!

Mustafa Naimoğulları: You Destroyed Citrus, but You Can't Destroy Livestock Farming!

Mustafa Naimoğulları, President of the Animal Producers and Breeders Association, made a defiant statement in front of the Ministry of Agriculture, proclaiming, "You destroyed citrus, but you can't destroy livestock farming."

Publish Date: 20/05/24 13:31
reading time: 2 min.
Mustafa Naimoğulları: You Destroyed Citrus, but You Can't Destroy Livestock Farming!
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Livestock producers protesting the government's agricultural policies gathered at the Ministry of Agriculture. In his address, Naimoğulları emphasized their resilience against detrimental policies.

Naimoğulları asserted, "They can't deceive us. The government has issued statements that strike at producers. Prime Minister Ünal Üstel operates with an 'I know and do everything' mentality. Just as in the past, livestock farmers continue to fight. The Turkish Cypriot livestock farmers have come to be the voice of society. We will continue to produce."

He further criticized the government's agricultural record, saying, "You destroyed citrus, you destroyed potatoes, but you can't destroy livestock farming. We are here to correct your mistakes."

Addressing the remarks of Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources Hüseyin Çavuş regarding cheap meat, Naimoğulları noted, "In my 19 years as president, lamb meat has never been brought here. Now they are fighting for frozen minced meat. We will also go to the Prime Ministry. From now on, our interlocutor is the Prime Minister. Producers have come to Lefkoşa to fight this battle," he declared.

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