reading time: 2 min.

Confusion Over Population Numbers: Resmiye Canaltay Claims Population Exceeds 800,000

Confusion Over Population Numbers: Resmiye Canaltay Claims Population Exceeds 800,000

Resmiye Canaltay, a member of the National Unity Party (UBP), has added to the ongoing confusion regarding the population numbers in the country. During her appearance on a TV program, Canaltay stated, "The population has exceeded 800,000."

Publish Date: 23/05/24 11:29
reading time: 2 min.
Confusion Over Population Numbers: Resmiye Canaltay Claims Population Exceeds 800,000
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Joining the debate over the country's population figures, UBP MP Resmiye Canaltay made her remarks on a program broadcast on BRT, hosted by Baykan Gürses. Canaltay highlighted the significant increase in population, asserting, "The population has almost certainly surpassed 800,000."

She referenced existing data, noting, "It was previously disclosed that there are 70,000 people in the country on work permits and over 100,000 students. Looking at these numbers, the population has exceeded 800,000." Canaltay emphasized the need for planning based on this estimated population.

Statements from Other Politicians

Resmiye Canaltay's comments add to a series of conflicting statements from various politicians regarding the population figures.

President Ersin Tatar had previously mentioned a population of 410,000, but in a subsequent program, he revised this number to 407,000.

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel also commented on the population, stating that while the government is aware of the population numbers, he could not disclose them, referring to "certain figures that cannot be stated."

Similarly, the Minister of Public Works and Transport, Erhan Arıklı, recently expressed his confidence in the data provided by the Statistics Institute, stating that the population is approximately 411,000.

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