reading time: 3 min.

Over 1.8 Million Visited Varosha Since its Reopening

Over 1.8 Million Visited Varosha Since its Reopening

Over 1.8 million people have visited Varosha since it was reopened for visitors in 2020, Turkish public service broadcaster TRT reported on Monday.

Publish Date: 03/06/24 13:40
reading time: 3 min.
Over 1.8 Million Visited Varosha Since its Reopening
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Varosha had been empty since the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, but was then reopened to visitors in October 2020 following a joint decision by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the north’s then ‘prime minister’ and current Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar.

The release of the figures on Monday comes after the matter of Varosha was discussed by the political affairs and democracy committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in Oslo last week.

MPs from across Europe were discussing a report written by PACE rapporteur for Varosha Piero Fassino, who visited Varosha in May.

Speaking after his visit, he said he hopes Varosha will once again become a “living town”, and that “of course, this is something which can happen with the agreement of the two parties concerned.”

In addition, he expressed his belief that reaching a solution to the Cyprus problem “with the help of the United Nations”, is an imperative.

Earlier in the month, late Turkish Cypriot leader Rauf Denktash’s son Serdar Denktash said Varosha “should be transformed into a free trade zone” and a “common living area” for both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.

“It is much healthier and a much more permanent solution to focus on an approach where it is possible to develop cooperation and carry out joint economic activities, rather than a political approach and recognition,” he added.

He said, “the economic attraction created in the buffer zone will increase both sides’ desire to be there and motivate people to live together.

Asked whether the Greek Cypriot side would accept such a proposal, he said “that is their decision.”

He added, “we should not act by thinking whether they should accept it. We took a unilateral step when opening the crossing points for the first time and it got positive results. Other crossing points were opened later, and now people from both sides shop on the other side and it all runs smoothly.”


Source: Cyprus Mail

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