reading time: 2 min.

Harmancı: Permanent Population of Nicosia is Approximately 160,000

Harmancı: Permanent Population of Nicosia is Approximately 160,000

Mehmet Harmancı, Mayor of Nicosia Turkish Municipality (LTB), stated that the permanent population of Nicosia, including those living in dormitories, is approximately 160,000. He also mentioned that when considering the daily transient population, the number exceeds 200,000.

Publish Date: 26/06/24 14:08
reading time: 2 min.
Harmancı: Permanent Population of Nicosia is Approximately 160,000
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Harmancı made these remarks during his appearance on the show "Er Meydanı" on Genç TV, hosted by Mustafa Alkan.

Addressing the ongoing population debates in the country, Harmancı emphasized the importance of examining water meter readings. He explained, "In Nicosia, we have around 35,000 residential water tariffs and nearly 8,000 business water tariffs. If you calculate based on 35,000 and multiply it by four, you get an approximate figure of 160,000, including those living in dormitories. Therefore, we have a permanent population of about 160,000 in Nicosia. When you account for the daily transient population, it clearly exceeds 200,000."

Harmancı also noted that 33,000 vehicles pass through Dr. Fazıl Küçük Boulevard daily, adding, "The projection population given to us by the authorities is 81,400. We are talking about nearly double that number."

Commenting on the population figure of 407,000 announced by Interior Minister Dursun Oğuz based on the Statistical Institute's data, Harmancı stated, "This number is not realistic at all."

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