reading time: 2 min.

Özersay Criticizes CHP-CTP Press Conference Content

Özersay Criticizes CHP-CTP Press Conference Content

HP (People's Party) leader Kudret Özersay expressed criticism regarding statements made during a press conference in Ankara by Özgür Özel of the CHP (Republican People's Party) regarding future elections.

Publish Date: 27/06/24 15:36
reading time: 2 min.
Özersay Criticizes CHP-CTP Press Conference Content
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Özgür Özel had stated, "We want to bring our parties to power in the upcoming elections. We believe that when our sister parties come to power, good days will be heralded for both Cyprus and Turkey."

Kudret Özersay responded, emphasizing opposition to external interference in domestic affairs, stating, "This principle should apply not only during certain periods or for specific political parties, but consistently and across all political parties." He added, "Attempting to influence political dynamics in the TRNC through Turkish political parties, stating whom they would like to see in power and expressing their preferences, constitutes interference in our domestic affairs. If your opposition to interference in domestic affairs is a matter of principle..."

Özersay's remarks came in response to ongoing visits by CTP (Republican Turkish Party) leader Tufan Erhürman to political counterparts in Turkey, including meetings with AK Party and CHP leaders.

Levent ÖZADAM'dan
Levent Kutay
Levent KUTAY'dan

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