reading time: 1 min.

Harmancı: Population Doubled with Increased Water Supply from Turkey

Harmancı: Population Doubled with Increased Water Supply from Turkey

Mehmet Harmancı, the Mayor of Lefkoşa, highlighted that the water supply from Turkey to Lefkoşa's reservoir has doubled over six years, indicating a corresponding doubling of the city's population. According to Harmancı, recent population estimates in the country prompted him to contribute a "simple" calculation.

Publish Date: 27/06/24 15:42
reading time: 1 min.
Harmancı: Population Doubled with Increased Water Supply from Turkey
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In his statement, Harmancı noted that in 2017, Turkey transferred 4,586,732 tons of water to Lefkoşa's reservoir, which increased to 8,432,402 tons by 2023. Citing these figures, Harmancı argued that the water transfer had doubled in six years, suggesting a parallel doubling of the city's population. He added a hopeful note, "Shedding light on the population debates in the country!"

Mehmet Harmancı shared the following on social media regarding the matter:

"Allow me to share a very simple population growth data with you. In 2017, a total of 4,586,732 tons of water was transferred from the Republic of Turkey State Hydraulic Works to our reservoir.

By 2023, this figure had increased to 8,432,402 tons. It's quite clear that the city's population has doubled in just 6 years.

Hoping this sheds light on the population debates in the country..."

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