reading time: 1 min.

Decree Issued to Expedite Meat Imports

Decree Issued to Expedite Meat Imports

A decree with the force of law has been issued to expedite meat imports, as announced in the Official Gazette.

Publish Date: 28/06/24 14:21
reading time: 1 min.
Decree Issued to Expedite Meat Imports
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The decree, titled "Decree with the Force of Law on the Non-Application of Public Procurement Law Rules for Meat Imports by the Agricultural Products Corporation," was prepared to facilitate the swift import of meat.

The decision by the Council of Ministers regarding the decree was published in the Official Gazette yesterday.

Under the criteria set by the Council of Ministers, the decree allows the Agricultural Products Corporation to import bone-in/bone-out frozen lamb and frozen lamb or beef mince without adhering to the Public Procurement Law. This decree will remain in effect until October 1.

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