reading time: 3 min.

Gürcafer: Christodoulides' True Aim is to Force More Turkish Cypriots to Emigrate

Gürcafer: Christodoulides' True Aim is to Force More Turkish Cypriots to Emigrate

The President of the Cyprus Turkish Building Contractors Association (KTIMB), Cafer Gürcafer, stated that the current foreign policy of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) deviates from UN parameters, thereby facilitating the Greek Cypriot side's objectives. Gürcafer accused Greek Cypriot leader Nikos Christodoulides of seeking to weaken and force the emigration of Turkish Cypriots rather than working towards a solution.

Publish Date: 03/07/24 13:34
reading time: 3 min.
Gürcafer: Christodoulides' True Aim is to Force More Turkish Cypriots to Emigrate
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Gürcafer emphasized, "Christodoulides' true aim is not to create a solution-oriented negotiation table but to harm the communal existence of the Turkish Cypriot community, force more of us to emigrate, and erode our community."

He further elaborated, "The sharp shift in our political stance aimed at resolving the Cyprus issue makes it more difficult for us to gain international support. This is a reality. However, the actions taken by the Greek Cypriot administration in recent times, under the guise of property protection, are part of their long-standing strategic plan dating back to the 1950s to obliterate the communal existence of Turkish Cypriots. We know very well that Christodoulides' actual intention is not to establish a negotiation table for a solution but to inflict damage on the Turkish Cypriot community, force us to emigrate further, and erode us."

"Christodoulides Derailed the Crans Montana Process"

Highlighting significant missed opportunities for resolving the Cyprus issue, Gürcafer mentioned, "One of the most important solution opportunities was the Annan Plan, and another was the Crans Montana process. We all know very well that it was Christodoulides who blew up the Crans Montana process. The whole world knows this. One of the best-informed individuals, and a key witness, is the former President Mustafa Akıncı. Those in the north who disagree with this view can ask Mr. Akıncı."

Gürcafer's statements reflect the ongoing frustration and skepticism within the Turkish Cypriot community regarding the intentions and actions of the Greek Cypriot leadership, especially under Christodoulides. The remarks also underscore the complex and contentious nature of the Cyprus issue, which remains unresolved despite numerous attempts at negotiation and reconciliation.

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