reading time: 1 min.

1 more person was arrested within the scope of the investigation carried out regarding Greek goods!

1 more person was arrested within the scope of the investigation carried out regarding Greek goods!

A person who was involved in the sale of Greek goods in Northern Cyprus and for whom there was an arrest warrant was arrested today at Larnaca Airport.

Publish Date: 07/07/24 19:30
reading time: 1 min.
1 more person was arrested within the scope of the investigation carried out regarding Greek goods!
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One more person was arrested within the scope of the investigation carried out regarding Greek goods. It was stated that the person coming from an EU country was arrested when he arrived at Larnaca Airport after the police issued an arrest warrant for him.

According to the news in Cyprus Mail, it was stated that there was an arrest warrant against the person in question for the crimes of "conspiracy" and "money laundering" and he was arrested at Larnaca Airport. It was stated that the arrested person also played an intermediary role in the sale of properties belonging to Greek Cypriots in the North.

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