reading time: 3 min.

Taçoy: My Candidacy Decision Has Not Changed

Taçoy: My Candidacy Decision Has Not Changed

UBP (National Unity Party) MP Hasan Taçoy emphasized that his decision to run for candidacy has not changed, recalling that he has been announcing his candidacy for over a year.

Publish Date: 24/07/24 14:11
reading time: 3 min.
Taçoy: My Candidacy Decision Has Not Changed
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In a written statement, Taçoy noted that he had answered questions regarding the UBP congress during his appearance on TV2020, hosted by Özlem Çimendal.

Expressing his belief in democracy, Taçoy reiterated that his decision to run for candidacy remains unchanged despite indirect efforts over the past year to withdraw his candidacy. He mentioned being aware of all requests made by Prime Minister Ünal Üstel during his visits to Ankara, where Üstel allegedly called for a "non-elective" congress, both in Turkey and in the country.

Taçoy accused Üstel of wanting to assume a leadership role temporarily, saying, "His one-time role is over." He stressed that future proceedings should adhere strictly to democratic principles, arguing, "I've always said that nothing comes from intervention. You should not be the one inviting intervention. You must believe in democracy. The Prime Minister himself has intervened in many events, which everyone knows."

Addressing previous congress remarks, Taçoy clarified, "It's wrong to say I withdrew. When Mr. Sucuoğlu, who finished the first round 400 votes ahead of me, decided to withdraw, I did not continue to the second round to avoid seeming opportunistic."

Regarding recent developments, Taçoy stated that he has yet to meet with Kutlu Evren and Olgun Amcaoğlu but plans to do so soon. He added, "Their decision to run or not is theirs alone, and I cannot intervene."

Taçoy criticized the Prime Minister's attempts to influence the public's decision, asserting, "The higher authorities of the Republic of Turkey are not even aware of these events. The presidential election will undoubtedly take place at the congress."

Emphasizing that democracy will decide the outcome, Taçoy warned against resorting to deceit, noting that the final decision will rest with the people. He recalled similar past experiences, saying, "We have experienced this lesson before; if the party's democratic criteria are breached, the people will enforce their democratic standards."

Reiterating that the UBP was founded by individuals with national values, Taçoy declared, "The party's founding purpose is not for personal gain; it's the people's, the state's party. UBP is the only political entity embodying the spirit of protecting the state."

Taçoy assured that the party base will deliver the necessary lesson at the congress and general election, expressing unwavering confidence in the public. He also referenced polls related to the UBP congress and challenged Üstel to a live debate.

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