reading time: 1 min.

Turkey'S Council of State Rejects NC Diploma Equivalency

Turkey'S Council of State Rejects NC Diploma Equivalency

Turkey's Council of State Administrative Litigation Chambers has upheld the rejection of a diploma equivalency request for a law degree obtained from the International Cyprus University (UKÜ).

Publish Date: 08/08/24 15:24
reading time: 1 min.
Turkey'S Council of State Rejects NC Diploma Equivalency
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The decision affects a student who transferred laterally from another country to UKÜ and then sought diploma equivalency in Turkey.

The Council's ruling cited that the student's lateral transfer to UKÜ was from a university outside Turkey and Northern Cyprus, leading to the denial of the equivalency request. This decision underscores that the diploma does not fall within the Equivalency Agreement between Turkey and Northern Cyprus.

This case sets a precedent, indicating that diplomas obtained via lateral transfers from universities outside the agreement's jurisdiction may not be recognized for equivalency in Turkey.

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