reading time: 2 min.

Cafer Gürcafer: TRNC is the Miami of the Region

Cafer Gürcafer: TRNC is the Miami of the Region

Speaking to the Turkish press, Cafer Gürcafer, President of the Contractors Union, emphasized that Turkish investors should increase their interest in the TRNC, stating, "TRNC is the Miami of the region."

Publish Date: 08/08/24 15:35
reading time: 2 min.
Cafer Gürcafer: TRNC is the Miami of the Region
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Cafer Gürcafer, President of the Turkish Cypriot Construction Contractors Union, highlighted that Northern Cyprus offers significant opportunities in the housing sector, likening the country to the "Miami of the region."

In an interview with İhlas News Agency, Gürcafer pointed out that investing in real estate in the TRNC is profitable, noting that this investment typically pays off within 5-7 years. He also mentioned that real estate values across the island are continuously increasing.


Gürcafer provided information on what foreign investors should pay attention to when acquiring property in the TRNC, emphasizing the importance of the Turkish market to them.

Cafer Gürcafer also stated that their relationship with Turkey is based on a "win-win model," expressing a desire for the TRNC economy to strengthen and for Turkish investors to increase their interest in the island.

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