reading time: 2 min.

Investigation Completed: Tolga Atılgan Found Innocent

Investigation Completed: Tolga Atılgan Found Innocent

Tolga Atılgan, Director of the Cyprus Massachusetts Center of Innovation, has been declared innocent by the court after an investigation into allegations of operating an educational institution without YÖDAK (Higher Education Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation, and Coordination Council) permission.

Publish Date: 16/08/24 15:29
reading time: 2 min.
Investigation Completed: Tolga Atılgan Found Innocent
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The investigation began following a claim by former YÖDAK President Turgay Avcı on March 8, 2024, alleging that the institution was operating illegally.

Tolga Atılgan was arrested upon his return to the country on March 21, 2024, and was released on bail by court order.

Police Investigation Completed

The police investigation has concluded, and no criminal elements were found against the Massachusetts Center of Innovation.

In a written statement, Atılgan emphasized that the educational institution is a certification program affiliated with the Ministry of Education and is registered with the YÖKAS system with 50 students. He pointed out that the former YÖDAK President's actions were baseless and aimed at diverting public attention from his own legal troubles by making misleading accusations against the institution.

Pursuing Compensation

Atılgan announced plans to seek both financial and moral compensation for the damages caused.

No Criminal Elements Found

Hasan Esendağlı, the attorney for Tolga Atılgan and President of the Cyprus Turkish Bar Association, confirmed that the police investigation, following the bail order, did not uncover any criminal elements related to Atılgan. He also stated that on August 5, the Nicosia District Court had lifted all conditions of the bail order against Atılgan, concluding the investigation without any charges being brought.

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