reading time: 2 min.

Cafer Gürcafer Warns: Arrests of Turkish Cypriots Could Be a 'Casus Belli'

Cafer Gürcafer Warns: Arrests of Turkish Cypriots Could Be a 'Casus Belli'

President of the Cyprus Turkish Contractors Association, Cafer Gürcafer, has issued a stark warning that the arrest of Turkish Cypriots, following the recent detentions of foreign nationals over alleged unauthorized construction on Greek Cypriot-owned land in the north, could escalate into a conflict. Gürcafer urged President Ersin Tatar to promptly initiate international negotiations to address the situation.

Publish Date: 23/08/24 11:59
Update Date: 23/08/24 12:35
reading time: 2 min.
Cafer Gürcafer Warns: Arrests of Turkish Cypriots Could Be a 'Casus Belli'
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In an appearance on Kıbrıs Postası TV, Gürcafer discussed the recent publication by the Green Party in a Greek Cypriot newspaper, Politis, which targeted construction companies and investors in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). He highlighted the formation of an independent team to monitor the situation following the arrests but noted the lack of a close monitoring mechanism within the government.

Gürcafer criticized Greek Cypriot leader Nikos Christodoulides for using the issue to secure his political future rather than seeking a resolution, and he emphasized the importance of the Turkish Cypriot side actively engaging in discussions on a solution model. He warned that political missteps could lead to significant economic consequences, particularly if the current impasse continues without resuming negotiations.

Gürcafer called on President Tatar to urgently restart diplomatic efforts, stressing that failure to do so could make it difficult to overcome the current crisis. He argued that the Greek Cypriot arrests, which are justified on the basis of international agreements, are not legitimate and that the ongoing pressure from the south will have negative political and economic repercussions.

In a concerning statement, Gürcafer suggested that if the issue of arrests extends from foreigners to Turkish Cypriots, it could be perceived as a casus belli, or cause for war. He also mentioned plans for protests in the UK and potentially in Brussels, emphasizing that without a resolution to the Cyprus issue, economic stability in the region is unattainable.

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