reading time: 2 min.

Üstel Prioritizes Resolving Electricity Issues, Promises Economic Reforms

Üstel Prioritizes Resolving Electricity Issues, Promises Economic Reforms

Prime Minister and UBP Chairman Ünal Üstel emphasized that the government will focus on boosting the economy and improving the purchasing power of citizens. Üstel stated that addressing electricity issues is a top priority among the problems that need resolution. He also discussed plans for transportation and healthcare.

Publish Date: 26/08/24 11:22
reading time: 2 min.
Üstel Prioritizes Resolving Electricity Issues, Promises Economic Reforms
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Üstel announced that the government would prioritize economic reforms to enhance the public’s purchasing power and control inflation. "We have placed the issue of electricity at the forefront of the problems that need to be resolved," he declared, adding that steps have already been taken to address the long-standing energy issue.

He also highlighted ongoing efforts to resolve problems related to the road network, with three projects completed and five more underway. In the healthcare sector, Üstel revealed that three new hospital projects had begun, which the government is committed to completing.

UBP Congress and Political Stability

As the UBP congress approaches, Üstel expressed confidence in the party's unity and future successes. "This process will end with a victory for UBP, and we will continue to look ahead," he said, assuring that the party will maintain stability in government and continue to grow.

Üstel also highlighted the importance of political stability in completing essential projects and reforms. He underscored the strong relationship with Turkey, which has contributed to the completion of various projects, and pledged to mobilize all resources to meet the needs of the people.

In closing, Üstel expressed optimism about the future, stating, "Much better, stronger, and more prosperous days are ahead of us. We're almost there."

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