reading time: 2 min.

Fide Kürşat: "Authorities Have Left the Country Ungoverned"

Fide Kürşat: "Authorities Have Left the Country Ungoverned"

Republican Turkish Party (CTP) MP Fide Kürşat, during an appearance on Kıbrıs Postası TV, criticized the country's leadership, stating that there is significant neglect and a lack of governance.

Publish Date: 26/08/24 11:36
reading time: 2 min.
Fide Kürşat: "Authorities Have Left the Country Ungoverned"
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Highlighting the impact of the global issues following the pandemic, Kürşat remarked, "We are a small island nation with an import-dependent infrastructure, using the Turkish Lira, which has depreciated significantly. We lack an economic and fiscal policy."

"Authorities Have Left the Country Ungoverned"

Speaking on the "Sabah Postası" program, hosted by Gökhan Altıner, Kürşat emphasized that the CTP has continuously raised these issues in Parliament, advocating for necessary actions in the economy, production, and finance. However, she pointed out, "The authorities have left the country ungoverned."

"Law-Abiding Taxpayers Are Punished"

Kürşat also highlighted the problem of the unregistered economy, which experts have pointed out as a serious issue in the country. She criticized the current administration for failing to address this problem over the past five years. "Even the taxes collected from the public are being handed over to certain companies, punishing the law-abiding taxpayers," she added.

"Cancer Cases Are Increasing"

Expressing condolences to the family of Mehmet Dursun, who passed away from lymphoma cancer, Kürşat also drew attention to the rising number of cancer cases and sudden deaths. "We are poorly governed, unhappy, and stressed," she concluded.

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