reading time: 2 min.

"A National Disgrace, Those Responsible Must Be Brought to Justice"

"A National Disgrace, Those Responsible Must Be Brought to Justice"

The Cyprus Turkish Medical Association (KTTB) has expressed deep shame over the deplorable living conditions of workers brought from Bangladesh, stating that those responsible must be held accountable in a court of law.

Publish Date: 29/08/24 14:04
reading time: 2 min.
"A National Disgrace, Those Responsible Must Be Brought to Justice"
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In a statement signed by the Union’s Board of Directors, the KTTB condemned the inhumane treatment of the Bangladeshi workers, which recently came to light through media reports. The Union's representatives visited the so-called "modern slavery" camp to assess the situation from a health and public safety perspective.

The statement described the living conditions of the workers as unfit for human dignity, noting that sewage waste flows through the middle of the buildings, and there are no clean places for the workers to sleep, cook, or eat. "We did not want to believe that such living and accommodation conditions existed in this day and age, in this country, but we saw it with our own eyes," the statement read.

"A Decent Life Must Be Provided"

The KTTB called for immediate legal action against those who brought these people from Bangladesh with false promises only to subject them to such conditions, as well as against the authorities who turned a blind eye to this situation. The statement further added:

"The Ministry of Labor and Social Security, which issued work permits without proper inspections, the Ministry of Tourism and Environment, which ignored the environment piled with garbage, the Ministry of Health’s Department of Primary Health Services, which failed to address the public health risks posed by these inhumane living conditions, and Omorfo Municipality must urgently take action to provide these people with a life befitting human dignity. Those responsible for this situation must be brought to justice."

The statement emphasized the shame felt on behalf of the country for the workers' undignified living conditions and called on the Ministers of Labor and Social Security, as well as Health, to visit the camp and take immediate action.

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