reading time: 4 min.

Taçoy: National Cause Is More Than Just the Cyprus Issue

Taçoy: National Cause Is More Than Just the Cyprus Issue

Hasan Taçoy, candidate for the leadership of the National Unity Party (UBP), shared his vision and goals with the public, stating, "For us, the national cause is not only about the Cyprus issue." Emphasizing the significance of the UBP, he said, "Our party is not just another political entity. It was never established by a small group for personal interests. I stand in this democratic race with your support, decision, and belief."

Publish Date: 05/09/24 15:04
reading time: 4 min.
Taçoy: National Cause Is More Than Just the Cyprus Issue
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Taçoy stressed that the person elected as the UBP leader is also a candidate to govern the country, saying the leader must address not only internal party issues but also the fundamental problems of the Turkish Cypriot people and the TRNC. He added, "If I can't make our party the first in the next general elections and lead it to power, I will resign that very night."

Taçoy presented his vision at the “Manifesto Launch Event” held at Concorde Tower Hotel, which was attended by UBP MPs Yasemi Öztürk, Ali Pilli, Hasan Küçük, and members of the press.

In his manifesto, Taçoy outlined key topics, such as the need for change in the political and public spheres, combating the perception of corruption, restoring trust in politics and the state, pursuing a dynamic and realistic foreign policy, transitioning to a strong economy that stands on its own feet, fully supporting agriculture and animal husbandry, embracing green economy and digital transformation, empowering families and women, initiating reform in the public healthcare system, seeking permanent solutions in energy, and recognizing the importance of education and teachers as the future of the nation. He also highlighted the need for better population management as a fundamental aspect of statehood.

Taçoy: "UBP Embodies the National Cause"

During his speech at the “Manifesto Launch Event,” Taçoy emphasized that the 23rd Ordinary Congress of the National Unity Party will be held on September 21, when the party will elect its 13th General President and new leaders.

Taçoy stated, "The National Unity Party was born within the Turkish Cypriot struggle for existence, with its roots in the Turkish Resistance Organization. It represents the dignity, freedom, and national identity of the Turkish Cypriots and is an inseparable part of our national cause alongside our motherland Turkey."

He continued, "UBP means the Turkish Cypriots, the TRNC, and the unbreakable historical ties with Turkey and the Turkish people. UBP stands for national freedom, independence, and sovereignty, for our martyrs and veterans who sacrificed their lives for these ideals. It represents Dr. Fazıl Küçük, our first General President and founding President Rauf Denktaş, and the national struggle leaders who began the Turkish Cypriot resistance. UBP is the party of all our people—our entrepreneurs, tradespeople, farmers, civil servants, teachers, academics, doctors, pharmacists, workers, and women—who have worked to make Cyprus our homeland since 1571, through 1974, and to this day, strengthening our state and nation."

"I Joined This Struggle by Distributing the Party's First Election Brochures at 13"

Taçoy recalled his deep connection to the party's foundation, stating, "I was present at UBP's founding in 1975 at Zafer Cinema, as the son of Tailor Yusuf. At just 13 years old, I rode my bicycle, distributing the party's first election brochures from street to street, shop to shop, and house to house."

He added, "In 1993, I was elected as the President of the Lefkoşa Youth Branch. In 1999, I became the President of the Lefkoşa District and in 2018, I was appointed General Secretary. This party has elected me as a Member of Parliament and Minister multiple times, giving me the opportunity to serve my homeland and the Turkish Cypriot people. I have never forgotten that I am the son of Tailor Yusuf, who provided for his family with honest work in a small shop in Lefkoşa, and I have passed these values on to my children."

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