reading time: 3 min.

Ünal Üstel: "Our Journey Continues with Great Strength Until 2027"

Ünal Üstel: "Our Journey Continues with Great Strength Until 2027"

National Unity Party (UBP) Chairman and Prime Minister Ünal Üstel continues to meet and embrace the public and party members. Speaking at an event in Değirmenlik, Üstel stated, “With our great strength, we will continue on this path until 2027, and our passion for serving our people never fades.”

Publish Date: 12/09/24 13:50
reading time: 3 min.
Ünal Üstel: "Our Journey Continues with Great Strength Until 2027"
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Üstel attended the UBP's Değirmenlik district certificate ceremony, where he was met with warm reception. The event saw the participation of notable figures including Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu, Minister of Labor and Social Security Sadık Gardiyanoğlu, Lefkoşa MPs Ahmet Savaşan and Faiz Sucuoğlu, UBP Secretary-General Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu, and Gönyeli Alayköy Mayor Hüseyin Amcaoğlu.

In his speech, Üstel emphasized that the strong public interest shown during his visits before the party congress is a sign of the party's successful work. “Since the day we came to power, we have worked hand in hand with our 24 deputies to implement every necessary law and reform for our country without hesitation,” he said.

"Our Passion for Serving Our People Never Ends"

“Our only concern is our people and the TRNC,” Üstel noted, adding, “We came to power with a passion to serve, and we are confidently moving forward by completing the essential projects our country needs.”

Üstel also discussed the significant contribution of the newly constructed Ercan Airport, stating, “We have delivered the world-class Ercan Airport to the TRNC, which had been long awaited and thought impossible to finish. With its completion, there has been a significant increase in the number of tourists coming to our country. While 2,457,097 passengers used the old Ercan Airport in the first 8 months of 2023, this number rose to 3,048,615 for the same period in 2024 following the opening of the new airport.”

"The Outcome of the Congress is Clear"

Touching upon the UBP congress set to take place on September 21, Üstel confidently stated, “The congress is over. The interest shown by the people of Değirmenlik, as in other regions, clearly shows the result of this congress. September 21 is UBP’s holiday. Our congresses are a celebration of democracy.”

Highlighting his frequent visits across the country since assuming office, Üstel said, “No matter how busy government affairs are, we have always made time to visit our people and party members. With each meeting, we feel more united, and this gives us strength. With this strength, we will continue on our path with power and stability until 2027. Our unity and solidarity are our strength, and everyone should know that UBP will once again aim for power with all its strength in 2027.”

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