reading time: 3 min.

Tatar: 1960 Agreements are Among the Most Important Legal Documents in Our History

Tatar: 1960 Agreements are Among the Most Important Legal Documents in Our History

President Ersin Tatar highlighted his efforts to construct new courthouse buildings, possibly near the new Presidential Complex, due to increasing pressure on the courts. He stressed the need to increase the number of judges and improve budget allocations, emphasizing that delayed justice is not justice.

Publish Date: 16/09/24 15:24
reading time: 3 min.
Tatar: 1960 Agreements are Among the Most Important Legal Documents in Our History
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Tatar reaffirmed the effectiveness and accessibility of the Immovable Property Commission (IPC), which has been repeatedly confirmed by the European Court of Human Rights. He expressed confidence that the judiciary will fulfill its duties effectively, ensuring timely resolution of applications.

In his speech at the opening ceremony of the 2024-2025 Judicial Year, Tatar expressed pride in the progress achieved, noting the historical efforts of Cyprus Turkish legal professionals dating back to the 1570s. He recalled the crucial role played by lawyer Rauf Raif Denktaş and his assistant Osman Örek in the signing of the 1960 Agreements, which provided for unilateral intervention rights, without which, he said, the Turkish Cypriots might not have been present on the island today.

Tatar emphasized the need for continued struggle with the support of Turkey and Azerbaijan to have the international community recognize the rights of Turkish Cypriots. He also addressed the IPC's decisions, which have been affirmed as compliant with international law by the European Court of Human Rights, and reiterated the importance of timely processing of applications.

He urged the Greek Cypriot Administration (GCA) to be more realistic and criticized their recent judicial decisions, as shared by Bar Association President Hasan Esendağlı.

Reiterating that negotiations for a fair and lasting solution in Cyprus can only proceed with the acceptance of Turkish Cypriots' equal sovereignty, Tatar noted that the goal of other parties is a “zero soldiers, zero guarantees” agreement, which poses significant risks. He stressed that the 1960 Agreements are among the most important legal documents in Cyprus’s history and that the real legal injustice is the unilateral occupation of the Republic of Cyprus and its exploitation to develop Southern Cyprus while violating the rights of Turkish Cypriots.

Tatar also expressed full confidence in the Public Service Commission (PSC) and its role in appointments and examinations. He acknowledged the issues with current courthouse facilities and proposed building new ones near the new Presidential Complex if deemed appropriate.

In conclusion, Tatar supported increasing the judiciary budget and number of judges, highlighted the importance of timely justice, and stressed the need for the legal community’s continued efforts. He wished a successful new judicial year to all members of the legal community.

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