reading time: 3 min.

Traffic Inspections: 2,734 Drivers Checked, 706 Reported

Traffic Inspections: 2,734 Drivers Checked, 706 Reported

During security and traffic inspections held in Nicosia and İskele yesterday, a total of 2,734 drivers were checked, and 706 were reported.

Publish Date: 19/09/24 15:04
reading time: 3 min.
Traffic Inspections: 2,734 Drivers Checked, 706 Reported
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The simultaneous inspections, carried out under the responsibility of the Nicosia and İskele Police Departments, also resulted in 107 vehicles being taken off the road.

Additionally, 34 individuals who were prohibited from entering or being in casinos were identified.

According to a statement from the Police Press Officer, between 8:00 PM and midnight, inspections were conducted in Nicosia, covering entertainment venues, alcohol-serving establishments, nightclubs, coffeehouses, and other public areas.

During these checks, M.A. (23), was arrested after a search of his vehicle uncovered an illegal knife and knuckle duster.

In the casino inspections, 12 individuals who were banned from entering or being inside were caught and legal action was taken against them.

1,784 Drivers Checked, 527 Reported in Nicosia

Traffic teams inspected 1,784 drivers in total. Violations included 130 for speeding, 4 for driving under the influence of alcohol, 92 for using a mobile phone while driving, 18 for not wearing a seatbelt, 50 for driving without valid vehicle registration, and 9 for driving without insurance. In total, 527 drivers were reported for various traffic offenses, and 69 vehicles were removed from the road.

Inspections in İskele

In İskele, inspections also focused on entertainment venues, alcohol-serving establishments, and other public areas. T.M.R. (44) was arrested after shouting and disturbing the peace outside a restaurant while under the influence of 226 milligrams of alcohol, without a valid reason.

During casino inspections, 22 individuals who were banned from entering or being in casinos were identified, and legal action was taken against them.

950 Drivers Checked, 179 Reported in İskele

Traffic teams in İskele checked 950 drivers. Violations included 69 for speeding, 33 for driving without valid registration, 18 for using a mobile phone while driving, 10 for not wearing a seatbelt, and 4 for driving under the influence of alcohol. A total of 179 drivers were reported for various traffic offenses, and 38 vehicles were removed from the road.

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