reading time: 2 min.

Tatar: "The Immovable Property Commission Is Operating Effectively"

Tatar: "The Immovable Property Commission Is Operating Effectively"

President Ersin Tatar expressed satisfaction with the stance of the Council of Europe regarding the Immovable Property Commission (IPC). He welcomed the decision by the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers to close the Rock Ruby Hotel case, reaffirming the IPC's continued role as a functioning mechanism.

Publish Date: 20/09/24 13:52
reading time: 2 min.
Tatar: "The Immovable Property Commission Is Operating Effectively"
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In his statement, President Tatar said, "At the meeting held by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg from September 17-19, the issue of property was discussed. Despite all the pressure exerted by the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus (GCASC) to overturn the effects of the Demopoulos ruling, which confirmed that our property regime complies with international law and that the IPC provides an effective remedy, they have not succeeded."

Tatar emphasized that the Greek Cypriot administration's attempts to find legal backing for its pressure campaign against the TRNC had not prevented progress towards the closure of the case's monitoring process.

He continued, "At this stage, as the state of the TRNC, with the support of Motherland Turkey, all necessary steps are being taken to ensure the effective functioning of the Immovable Property Commission. As of 2021, compensation rulings issued by the IPC have been finalized. Moving forward, we will continue our efforts to further enhance the IPC's effectiveness."

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