reading time: 2 min.

Foreign Ministry: Validity of Property Regime in Our Country Reaffirmed in the Context of the IPC

Foreign Ministry: Validity of Property Regime in Our Country Reaffirmed in the Context of the IPC

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe has reaffirmed the validity of the property regime in the TRNC by closing the enforcement process related to the Rock Ruby ruling under the Xenides-Arestis Group, recognizing the Immovable Property Commission (IPC) as an effective domestic remedy once again.

Publish Date: 20/09/24 13:54
reading time: 2 min.
Foreign Ministry: Validity of Property Regime in Our Country Reaffirmed in the Context of the IPC
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In a written statement, the Ministry highlighted that the Committee of Ministers, which oversees the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), held a meeting on human rights on September 17-18 in Strasbourg. During the meeting, rulings on property rights under the VI. Greek case and individual applications within the Xenides-Arestis Group were discussed.

The statement noted: "As is well known, the IPC, established under the Xenides-Arestis ruling, has been affirmed as an effective domestic remedy by both the Court and the Committee multiple times. The closure of the enforcement process for this matter has long been ready. However, due to the Greek side’s attempts to politicize the issue, the technical nature of the enforcement process could not be finalized until now."

The Ministry emphasized that despite the Greek Cypriot Administration's efforts, the Committee voted on a draft decision to close the matter on September 19, 2024. However, due to pressure exerted by the Greek side on Committee members, mainly from EU countries, the decision to close the case was not approved.

Contrary to the Greek side's claims, the Committee has closed the enforcement process related to the Rock Ruby case, which was amicably resolved through the IPC, reaffirming the validity of the property regime within the TRNC.

The statement concluded: “The fact that the enforcement process for property rights under the IV. Greek case has not yet been closed is not a reflection of the Committee supporting the Greek side's position, but rather evidence of the Greek side's well-known arrogant behavior, politicizing the issue and harming the Committee's work.”

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