reading time: 1 min.

Üstel Sets Record with 65% of the Vote in UBP History

Üstel Sets Record with 65% of the Vote in UBP History

In a record-breaking congress, Ünal Üstel won 65.8% of the votes, becoming the highest-voted leader in the history of the National Unity Party (UBP). The 23rd Ordinary Congress of the UBP saw Üstel emerge victorious, further cementing his leadership.

Publish Date: 23/09/24 14:29
reading time: 1 min.
Üstel Sets Record with 65% of the Vote in UBP History
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By surpassing the 60% vote previously held by Faiz Sucuoğlu, Üstel set a new record as the UBP leader with the highest vote percentage.

Record-Breaking Turnout

This historic UBP congress also saw a record turnout, with over 10,000 votes cast, making it the largest in the political history of the TRNC. Üstel received 6,555 votes, while Hasan Taçoy secured 3,284, and Ahmet Karavelioğlu obtained 121 votes.

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