reading time: 4 min.

Ongun Talat: Ersin Tatar Lacks Leadership in Defending Turkish Cypriot Rights

Ongun Talat: Ersin Tatar Lacks Leadership in Defending Turkish Cypriot Rights

CTP MP Ongun Talat criticized President Ersin Tatar, accusing him of failing to defend the rights of Turkish Cypriots.

Publish Date: 24/09/24 13:45
reading time: 4 min.
Ongun Talat: Ersin Tatar Lacks Leadership in Defending Turkish Cypriot Rights
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Speaking on Kıbrıs Postası TV's "Sabah Postası" program, hosted by Gökhan Altıner, Talat emphasized the critical importance of CTP leader Tufan Erhürman’s diplomatic engagements in New York for the benefit of the Turkish Cypriot community.

Ongun Talat expressed his concerns over Tatar’s trip to New York, facilitated through Ankara, where he would attend the UN General Assembly. Talat stated, “Ersin Tatar does not exhibit leadership when it comes to defending the rights of Turkish Cypriots."

"Erhürman’s Talks Are Vital for Turkish Cypriot Interests"

Talat underscored the significance of Tufan Erhürman and Fikri Toros' visit to New York, calling their discussions vital for the future of Turkish Cypriots. He said, “We are not under any illusion that we will immediately reach a solution, but we must remain committed to the path of a federal solution to defend our rights diplomatically."

Talat highlighted that CTP holds the most international connections and added, “Erhürman’s meetings at the UN General Assembly are crucial. These discussions are essential for re-engaging with the international community. We are not concerned about Tatar’s frustrations because he has led Turkish Cypriots towards disaster.”

"School Delays Caused by Party Convention"

Talat also criticized the recent UBP convention, alleging that it caused delays in school openings. He stated, “They couldn’t open the schools because of the convention. They made numerous promises, but it all ended in disappointment. People need to realize that this convention was not in the country's best interest. Thousands of former UBP members refused to vote, as the convention was marred by significant injustices."

He further criticized UBP’s expensive advertising campaigns, remarking, "They put up billboards everywhere as if there was a general election. The public should see the reality behind these ads."

Criticism of UBP's Relationship with Turkey

Talat took aim at UBP's relationship with Turkey, referring to a recent donation ceremony organized by the Turkish Embassy to the TRNC. He remarked, “It was unacceptable for Parliament Speaker Zorlu Töre to request vehicle and computer donations. Parliament should focus on more pressing needs, such as addressing the shortage of legislative staff, instead of dealing with trivial matters like stationery."

"Arıklı is Turanlı's Biggest Supporter"

Addressing the controversy surrounding Ercan Airport's contract, Talat accused developer Emrullah Turanlı of exploiting the country and claimed that €59 million was essentially handed to him. Talat added, “Minister of Public Works and Transport Erhan Arıklı is Turanlı’s biggest supporter, which is unacceptable.”

"We Are Ready to Serve"

Talat concluded by addressing the ongoing challenges in the energy sector, particularly the lack of investment in electricity. “Not a single penny has been invested in the last five years. The government has failed to offer any solutions to the public. We are ready to step in and have serious goals. We believe we can establish much better and more institutional relationships with Turkey,” Talat affirmed.

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