reading time: 1 min.

Tufan Erhürman Begins New York Meetings

Tufan Erhürman Begins New York Meetings

Tufan Erhürman, leader of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), has commenced his meetings in New York.

Publish Date: 25/09/24 14:03
reading time: 1 min.
Tufan Erhürman Begins New York Meetings
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Accompanied by CTP Foreign Relations Secretary Fikri Toros, Erhürman met with the Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, Ambassador Anna Evstigneeva, yesterday.

Today, Erhürman will speak at the Socialist International meeting as part of the UN General Assembly sessions. During a session titled "Investing in Dialogue and Diplomacy", he will present his views on the future of the Cyprus peace process and outline the approach and methods necessary for resuming results-oriented negotiations as soon as possible.

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