reading time: 2 min.

Seven Arrested for Disturbing the Peace in Famagusta, Kyrenia, and Omorfo

Seven Arrested for Disturbing the Peace in Famagusta, Kyrenia, and Omorfo

Police have arrested a total of seven individuals for causing public disturbances while under the influence of alcohol in Famagusta, Kyrenia, and Omorfo.

Publish Date: 26/09/24 14:14
reading time: 2 min.
Seven Arrested for Disturbing the Peace in Famagusta, Kyrenia, and Omorfo
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According to the Police Press Office, two individuals were apprehended in Famagusta around 2:30 AM on İsmet İnönü Boulevard. O.Y. (31) and B.S. (21) were found to be intoxicated, while B.D. (22) was arrested for refusing to provide a breath sample and for disturbing the peace. Additionally, B.D. was found in possession of a "butterfly" knife, which was confiscated as evidence.

In Kyrenia, four individuals were arrested for similar offenses. M.C. (49) and M.A. (51) were reported to have been shouting loudly in Baldöken Cemetery around 8:30 AM. Another individual, O.K. (49), was arrested around 12:40 AM on Dr. Fazıl Küçük Avenue for also refusing to provide a breath sample and disturbing the peace.

In Omorfo, T.D. (36) was arrested around 10:00 PM on Ankara Avenue for yelling loudly and throwing garbage bins while under the influence.

All individuals have been taken into custody for their actions.

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