reading time: 1 min.

İzzet İzcan: Aiming for a Federal United Cyprus is Essential

İzzet İzcan: Aiming for a Federal United Cyprus is Essential

İzzet İzcan, the leader of the United Cyprus Party (BKP), emphasized the need to initiate a negotiation process aimed at achieving a federal united Cyprus. He stated that any alternative pursuits could lead Cyprus into catastrophe.

Publish Date: 26/09/24 14:46
reading time: 1 min.
İzzet İzcan: Aiming for a Federal United Cyprus is Essential
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In a written statement, İzcan criticized Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s remarks at the United Nations General Assembly, rejecting the support for partition policies in Cyprus.

He noted, “These statements, made without even consulting the views of the Turkish Cypriot community, do not bind us.” İzcan also asserted that Turkey holds no rights in Cyprus beyond its guarantee rights. He urged pro-solution factions to raise their voices in support of a united Cyprus.

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