reading time: 1 min.

Fugitive Convict in Paphos May Attempt to Cross into TRNC

Fugitive Convict in Paphos May Attempt to Cross into TRNC

Theodoros Theofanous, a 42-year-old convict serving a life sentence for the 2011 murder of his pregnant partner and child, is believed to possibly attempt crossing into the TRNC following his escape in Pahos on Wednesday.

Publish Date: 27/09/24 13:33
reading time: 1 min.
Fugitive Convict in Paphos May Attempt to Cross into TRNC
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Greek Cypriot police are on high alert after Theofanous fled by jumping out of a window while visiting relatives in Paphosunder police escort.

According to Alithia, Theofanous' father, aged 68, and a 43-year-old Syrian man were arrested on suspicion of aiding his escape. Despite being accompanied by four prison guards and three members of the Mobile Emergency Action Unit (MMAD), Theofanous managed to escape, raising questions about prior planning and assistance.

Following the escape, the guards and MMAD officers were suspended. Greek Cypriot police, who are focusing on the possibility of Theofanous trying to cross into the TRNC, have deployed drones, helicopters, and police dogs to locate him. Despite a large-scale search operation, including patrols by the coast guard and border authorities, Theofanous remains at large.

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